Understanding the FAFSA Process

Students who are admitted to Chadron State College are eligible to receive federal financial aid. If you have yet to apply to CSC and would like to, apply now. Once admitted, you need to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to be offered federal financial aid.

Financial aid is available to help cover your college educational expenses.

For the 2024-2025 award year, the FAFSA is changing due to the FAFSA Simplification Act.  The FAFSA is available to be completed as of December 31, 2023. However, the Department of Education has cautioned that this is a soft launch and there may be issues that you may experience with the website.  You (and your parent when applicable) will report income from tax year 2022.

What's Changing?

    • The FAFSA form is now simpler, with fewer questions.
    • Student and Contributor tax information will be retrieved through a direct data exchange with the IRS once consent has been granted.
    • The Student Aid Index (SAI) is a new calculation that will replace the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). 

Have additional questions?

Visit studentaid.gov  

Institutions are not expected to receive FAFSA results until mid-March. The Financial Aid Office will be communicating with students and families with updated information as we receive it.

Step-by-Step Instructions to complete the FAFSA

Step 1

Create Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) for all contributors(student, student's spouse, a biological or adoptive parent, or the parent's spouse).  Student and contributor(s) will each need to create their own respective accounts.

  • Go to www.studentaid.gov
  • Click “Create an Account”
  • Enter requested information for whomever is creating the account
  • Be sure to remember your FSA ID and password as you will need to use your FSA ID often

Tip: FSA ID serves as your Electronic signature for the 1) FAFSA and Master Promissory notes for applying for student and parent loans and 2) is your access to the Student Aid websites. It is your lifetime electronic signature for financial aid purposes.

Step 2

Complete the FAFSA - Don’t forget to add Chadron State as a school to receive the FAFSA-(CSC School Code: 002539)

  • Visit www.studentaid.gov
  • Click “Login” button using your unique FSA ID
  • Enter the requested information
  • Consent to having your tax information retrieved through a direct data exchange.  

Tip: If consent is not given by all contributors, student will not be eligible for aid.

Step 3

Processing your FAFSA:  For 2024-2025 there will be a delay in FAFSA information being provided to schools once a FAFSA is completed.  It is expected that Chadron State College will start receiving your FAFSA information at the end of January 2024.  We will reach out in mid-February to let you know that we have received your FAFSA information.

After this time, it will take about one week for your FAFSA to be processed and sent to Chadron State College.

Step 4

CSC will inform you by an email to your EagleMail, if additional documentation is required to complete your FAFSA.

Step 5

Complete ALL Financial Aid items on your MyCSC To Dos, which includes a link to securely upload any required documentation. Contact our START office at start@sydotnet.net with any questions.

Step 6

Mark your calendar for the following October to complete the FAFSA for the next academic year.  You must complete the FAFSA each year you are an enrolled student should you desire to continue to receive federal financial aid.

FAFSA Verification

Some applications for Federal Student Aid are selected for a process called verification. Verification is used to confirm the data provided on your FAFSA was correctly entered. FAFSAs are selected for verification for many reasons and being selected does not mean that you did anything wrong.

If your FAFSA is selected for verification, you will be required to submit additional documentation to CSC in order for your financial aid to be offered. CSC will notify you via your Eaglemail and on your MyCSC “To Dos” to let you know about the type(s) of additional documentation that are required. Note: If you have not been contacted by the CSC START Office it is likely that your application hasn't been selected and there is no further action for you to take.

When all the documents requested have been received, your documentation will be reviewed. Based upon the review, additional information may be requested. It is important that you monitor your Eaglemail and MyCSC “To Dos” to stay informed.

You can expect the verification process to take up to two weeks from the date you turn in all documentation to the START Office. Note: all requested documents must be received in order to begin the verification process.

We recommend that you complete verification as soon as possible so you can be offered financial aid in a timely manner. Please be aware that you will not be offered aid until the verification process is complete. Consequently, you may not be offered specific types of aid due to fund availability the longer you wait to submit your documentation.

You can find a list of verification forms and/or instructions required for the verification process below.

Chadron State College

FAFSA School Code is 002539

Crites Hall Flags


  • Your FSA ID serves as your and your contributors electronic signature and provides access to your personal records with the U.S. Department of Education systems. Your FSA ID is used to complete your FAFSA each year and complete your Master Promissory Note. Therefore never share it with anyone.
  • When completing the FAFSA, all contributors must consent to having their tax information retrieved through a direct data exchange with the IRS.
  • You can learn more about who needs to be a Contributor on your FAFSA here.
  • Students and Contributors should complete the FAFSA together to ensure all information is accurate. Both student and contributors (if applicable) MUST sign the FAFSA.
  • Keep an eye on your EagleMail and MyCSC as this is our primary way of contacting you regarding your aid, and changes to your account.